Plantar Fasciitis: Home Remedies That Help Decrease The Pain


A sharp, stabbing pain in your foot when you get out of bed in the mornings if a miserable way to greet the day. If this happens to you, it is likely that you have plantar fasciitis. This pain may also occur after you have been sitting for a while and stand up or when you stand for a long period. Generally, the pain lessens after you walk a few steps and your foot becomes more limber. 

Understanding the Cause of Pain

Plantar fasciitis often occurs because of overuse or too much stress on one or both feet. The plantar fascia is a band of tissue in your foot. It runs along the bottom of the feet and connects the toes to the bone in your heels. When this band of tissue is stressed, small tears can result. If the foot doesn't heal before more tears occur, the band of tissue can become inflamed, and as a result causes the pain.

Ways to Decrease the Pain

You can make lifestyle changes that may decrease or eliminate the pain you experience from plantar fasciitis. These changes include:

  • Lose a few pounds or more if you are overweight. Obesity is a common cause of this type of foot disorder because it puts a lot of stress on this area of your body, particularly if you spend most of your day on your feet.
  • Do simple stretches that help strengthen your Achilles tendon, the muscles in your calves and the plantar fascia. One stretch that is quite easy to work into your daily routine is to stand approximately 24 inches from a wall. Step forward with one knee bent and lean forward with your body with your palms flat against the wall. You will feel the stretch in your calf and foot. Hold this position for about 20 seconds. Do 15 to 20 stretches each day.
  • Purchase shoes with good support that also have shock absorbency. Other things to look for in a pair of supportive shoes are adequate support in the arch and low heels. Also, replace worn out athletic shoes and avoid going barefoot.
  • Choose low-impact sports as a form of exercise. Some examples are swimming or riding a bicycle. These put less stress on your feet than hiking or jogging.
  • Apply ice or a cold gel pack to the affected foot. Do this three or four times each day until the pain is eliminated. Keep the ice on the foot for about 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication, such as ibuprofen. Take it daily for a couple of weeks and then stop for a week. If the pain returns, take it for another two weeks. If you still experience pain, seek the advice of your doctor.

When to Visit a Doctor

Your family doctor is often able to diagnose and relieve the pain you experience from plantar fasciitis. If the treatments are unsuccessful, he or she may refer you to a podiatrist or a physician who specializes in sports injuries. The specialist may recommend physical therapy or prescribe orthotics or night splints. Other treatments may include steroid shots, foot surgery or extra-corporeal shock wave therapy that utilizes sound waves to relieve the pain. 

For more information, contact East Village Foot Center PC or a similar location.


26 October 2015

My Foot Doctor Saved My Exercise Routine

When I started jogging daily, I didn't think that anything could get in the way of a decent workout. I focused on my speed, endurance, and technique, and after a few months, I felt like I was really doing great. Unfortunately, I started developing trouble with a bunion on my foot, which made me think twice about hitting the road. I decided to talk with my podiatrist about the problem, and he told me I needed to have surgery. It was a difficult recovery, but my podiatrist saved my exercise routine. I want you to know how a professional could help, so read my blog.