How Are Bunions Treated?


Bunions occur when the bone tissue at the base of the big toe moves out of place. This leads to moderate to severe discomfort when wearing shoes. If bunions have already developed on your big toe, walking may become very painful. Fortunately, bunions can be treated. There are nonsurgical treatments that work for many people, but if these do not help, bunions can be surgically removed. These are some of the most common types of treatments for bunions.

Changing Your Shoes 

If you have worn tight fitting shoes regularly for many years, this may be what caused the bunions to develop. Narrow toed, high heeled shoes put pressure on and around the toes. Continually wearing this type of shoes squeezes the toes together unnaturally which results in the outside bony tissue of the big toe to move further outward.

However, if you begin wearing low heeled, wider toed shoes the pressure is reduced. While this will not make the bunion disappear, it will slow down its growth and make walking and wearing shoes much easier.

Nonsurgical Treatments 

There are also other nonsurgical treatments that are used to provide relief for those who suffer from bunions. These treatments are simple to do and can greatly reduce the pain and suffering caused by bunions.

  • Cover the bunion with specially made bunion pads every time you wear shoes. These are designed to protect the bunion from rubbing against the inside of your shoe and causing more pain. These pads are readily available over the counter at most pharmacies.
  • Take over the counter anti-inflammatory medications to relieve pain and swelling. Ibuprofen is a common medication that has been found to help those who suffer bunions.
  • Wear arch supports in your shoes to ensure your feet are position correctly. Often this can even help prevent bunions from developing.
  • Soak your feet in warm salt water, apply ice packs or give yourself a soothing foot massage. Do this before putting shoes on can make them feel more comfortable.
  • Wear a doctor prescribed splint on your big toe at night to hold it in place correctly. This can relieve pain instantly even after wearing shoes for extended periods of time.

Surgical Treatments 

If none of the nonsurgical treatments seem to help, it may necessary to have bunion surgery. When this is done, the bones, tendons, ligaments and nerves of the big toe are put back in place and the bunion is surgically removed. 

Once you have healed from bunion surgery, you may be able to prevent a future bunion from developing by always wearing comfortable shoes. However, it is important to pay close attention to your feet because bunions can be hereditary and can reoccur.

To learn more about bunions, contact a company like Bunion haddonfield nj


17 May 2015

My Foot Doctor Saved My Exercise Routine

When I started jogging daily, I didn't think that anything could get in the way of a decent workout. I focused on my speed, endurance, and technique, and after a few months, I felt like I was really doing great. Unfortunately, I started developing trouble with a bunion on my foot, which made me think twice about hitting the road. I decided to talk with my podiatrist about the problem, and he told me I needed to have surgery. It was a difficult recovery, but my podiatrist saved my exercise routine. I want you to know how a professional could help, so read my blog.